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GenesisSolutions Attending and Exhibiting at AFPM Maintenance & Reliability Conference

May 8, 2015

GenesisSolutions, an ¹ú²úÂ鶹AV Group company, will be attending & exhibiting at this event. This year's 4-day program (May 19-22, 2015 - Austin, TX) focuses on operating company case studies and includes keynote addresses, technical and management presentations, discussion groups, and an exhibition of products and services. Presentations focus on improving reliability in the refining and petrochemical industry, covering topics such as effective maintenance organizations, productivity, equipment reliability, health and safety, training, predictive / preventive maintenance, maintenance and engineering standards, inspection, and innovative reliability technology.

Please visit GenesisSolutions in Booth # 1522. Mr. Matt Midas and Ms. Elizabeth Nugent will be representing the Asset Performance Optimization service line.

Genesis Solutions () provides best-in-class maintenance and asset management to the world's most sophisticated industrial organizations. We create operational and financial advantages for our customers by identifying and implementing measures that enhance asset reliability and increase capacity, while reducing maintenance costs and extending capital asset lifecycles.


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