110d |
Learn practical methods for performing dust hazard analyses (DHAs) of industrial facilities. NFPA 652 contains retroactive requirements for a DHA. Now, all existing systems are required to have a DHA, and the time limit to perform this analysis is three years from the date of issuance of the standard, October 2015. |
237 |
Learn the tried and true reliability technique, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA). The course is designed to be valuable to individuals with varying levels of FMEA knowledge and application. For those new to FMEA, there is a foundational level-setting to start the course, and then teams of varied skill levels are established to allow individuals to mature their FMEA skills at a comfortable pace. |
qe14l |
Certified ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Lead Auditor Training |
This course is designed for those who plan and/or conduct audits of environmental management systems under the ISO 14001 standard. |
qe50i |
ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management System Internal Auditor Training |
This course is designed for those who plan and/or conduct audits of energy management systems under the ISO 50001 standard. |
qeimsi |
Integrated Management Systems Internal Auditor |
This course is designed for those who plan and/or conduct audits of quality, energy and occupational health & safety management systems. |
qe50l |
Certified ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management System Lead Auditor Training |
This course is designed for those who plan and/or conduct audits of energy management systems under the ISO 50001 standard. |
cca |
Individuals interested in participating in CMMC assessments with a C3PAO or as a consultant. |
ccp |
Master the concepts and requirements of the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) levels, domains, capabilities, processes, and practices, the CMMC assessment methodology phases, and the CMMC-AB ecosystem. |
111 |
Gain an understanding of key concepts, techniques, and approaches for completing process hazard analyses (PHAs), management of change (MOC) hazard reviews, and related studies that meet regulatory requirements and industry best practices. |
118 |
Obtain a deeper understanding of key concepts, techniques, and approaches for efficiently conducting and documenting process hazard analyses (PHAs), management of change (MOC) hazard reviews, and related studies that meet regulatory requirements and industry best practices. |
100 |
Learn how to develop and implement a cost-effective PSM program for a single facility or an entire corporation. |
101 |
During this 2-day version of the course, you will learn to perform compliance auditing of process safety management and risk management program systems in accordance with OSHA and EPA regulations. Combine this course with Process Safety Management Compliance and save! |
100-101 |
This is a combined course of and . Combine the two courses to save! |
104 |
This course presents the significant revisions to EPA's risk management program (RMP) rule (40 CFR 68) published in March 2024 and how these revisions could affect your prevention program, emergency response program, and risk management plan (RMPlan) submittals. |
107 |
Process safety management programs have been implemented at many companies for over 20 years, based on meeting regulatory requirements and on the fundamental need to safely manage process hazards at their facilities. Many companies and facilities, though, continue to have PSM performance problems, potentially resulting in catastrophic incidents, serious injuries, lost business, and high costs. This course is intended to highlight common performance problems with PSM programs and to introduce proven methods and practical approaches for improving performance. |
108m |
This 1-day course introduces the Barrier Methodology and provides an awareness of its uses by working through the steps involved to identify process safety layers. Barrier diagrams are easy to interpret unlike the complex and/or numerical results from other risk assessment methods (e.g. PHA, QRA, LOPA) in a way that is easier for non-experts, workforce, engineers and managers to understand. |
109 |
This is a 2-day course that covers the content of C108m but also includes further in-depth reviews of bowties and the concepts around how barriers may degrade and the safeguards that may be put in place to prevent this from happening. This course also covers how best to incorporate human factors within bowties, and how to assess and present risk tolerability (ALARP Principles). |
110 |
Learn practical methods for performing process hazard analyses (PHAs) of systems, procedures, and computer software using the hazard and operability (HAZOPs), what if / what-if, and checklist analysis techniques that address federal regulatory requirements. |
110s |
Qualify as a knowledgeable PHA leader, as required by OSHA and EPA, and be eligible for certification as a PHA leader. The fifth day of this course involves training on the LEADER™ software, which is a separate charge. |
110-110d |
Qualify as a knowledgeable PHA leader, as required by OSHA and EPA, and be eligible for certification as a PHA leader. The fifth day of this course involves training on the LEADER™ software, which is a separate charge. |
110st |
This 1-day Option is for existing registrants who have already licensed the software but did not take the 5th day of training in the same week they originally took the 4-day Process Hazard Analysis Leader course. |
113 |
In this course attendees learn how to efficiently revalidate process hazard analyses. By learning how to use a revalidation decision tree, attendees gain a productive revalidation tool that accounts for management goals, previous documentation, PHA quality, and operating history. |
114 |
This course emphasizes hazard review techniques commonly used to evaluate changes. It also includes sections on improving existing programs for management of change (MOC) and pre-startup safety review (PSSR), plus special topics such as managing changes during the construction phase of major capital projects, managing personnel changes, and using software systems to manage change. |
115 |
Learn techniques for qualitatively identifying and assessing the hazards associated with process systems. In this course, you will also learn how to choose the most appropriate technique for a given problem. |
120 |
Learn to use the license-fee-free SOURCE™ root cause analysis (RCA) methodology for investigating incidents. |
120r |
This Root Cause Analysis (RCA) methodology is a critical step in the execution of an effective Reliability Based Maintenance (RBM) program to drive continuous improvement throughout your maintenance organization. |
qe45l |
Certified ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Lead Auditor Training |
This course is designed for those who plan and/or conduct audits of occupational health & safety management systems under the ISO 45001 standard. |
121 |
This 1½-day version of our popular Root Cause Analysis course is designed for personnel performing investigations of simple incidents. The focus of the course is on identifying causal factors, root causes, and recommendations for human performance problems and equipment issues. |
122 |
This advanced 2-day follow on course to our standard allows attendees to learn advanced techniques and gain additional insight from our experienced investigators. Although we cover core topics in every offering, the course content is tailored each time to address the specific needs of the participants. We solicit input from each of the participants in advance so we can address the key concerns and issues of each attendee. |
126 |
Learn this next-generation root cause analysis (RCA) method and tool to reactively assess and understand cultural issues that led to a major accident or series of incidents. |
120-126 |
This is a combined course of Root Cause Analysis and Incident Investigation and Cultural Cause Analysis. |
120-122 |
CC: Root Cause Analysis, Incident Investigation and Advanced RCA |
This is a combined course of Root Cause Analysis and Incident Investigation and Advanced Root Cause Analysis. |
131 |
This course addresses OSHA process safety management and EPA risk management program mechanical integrity (MI) requirements and teaches you how to develop and implement an efficient mechanical integrity program. |
140 |
During this 2-day course, attendees learn how to examine and categorize specific human errors to identify the conditions and situations that contributed to mistakes. |
120-140 |
This is a combined course of and . Combine the two courses to save! |
200 |
Layer of protection analysis (LOPA) is the newest methodology for hazard evaluation and risk assessment. LOPA helps the analyst make consistent decisions on the adequacy of existing or proposed layers of protection against an accident scenario. |
210 |
In this intensive 2-day course, our training experts will teach you how to evaluate the need for a safety instrumented function (SIF), evaluate potential system architectures, and analyze the system to determine its predicted performance, from both a risk reduction and reliability standpoint. |
200-210 |
This is a combined course of and . |
217 |
This one-day course addresses the regulatory requirements for facility siting and gives an overview of the methods to satisfy the requirements. |
220 |
Learn how to get quantitative answers to your questions and also how to identify the systems, subsystems, and components that contribute the most to your loss exposure. |
230 |
This course covers current regulatory requirements including source term modeling, atmospheric dispersion modeling, fire modeling, explosion modeling, risk analysis methods and data and correlations for evaluating personnel injury and facility/equipment damage resulting from toxic exposure, fires, and explosions. |
128 |
Gain an improved understanding of industrial explosion sources, effects, and consequences. The training will aid in understanding sequence of events that various energetic sources can result in an explosion; discerning potential causal factors as part of a root cause analysis, and identifying damage mechanisms at an incident scene. This course will assist investigation teams in identifying root causes and making recommendations. |
240 |
Learn what you need to do to satisfy the hazards analysis portion of OSHA facility siting requirements using either a consequence or risk-based approach. This technical course is designed for the process safety professional who performs facility siting studies. |
233 |
Learn about different risk models and approaches to tough decisions via expert guidance and proven risk techniques. |
qeims3l |
Certified Integrated Management Systems Lead Auditor |
This course is designed for those who plan and/or conduct audits of quality, energy and occupational health & safety management systems. |
qe9l |
Certified ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Lead Auditor Training Course |
This course is designed for those who plan and/or conduct audits of quality management systems under the ISO 9000 standard. |
qe9i |
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Internal Auditor Training |
This course is designed for professionals involved in quality management, assurance and those seaking to learn more about the ISO 9001:2015 standard. |
qesp9i |
Auditor Interno en Sistemas de Gestión de Calidad ISO 9001:2015 |
Este curso está diseñado para profesionales responsables de la realización de auditorías internas e implementación de Sistemas de Gestión de la Calidad (SGC) bajo la norma ISO 9001:2015. |
qesp50i |
Auditor Interno en Sistemas de Gestión de EnergÃa ISO 50001:2018 |
Este curso está diseñado para profesionales responsables de la realización de auditorías internas e implementación de Sistemas de Gestión de Energía (SGC) bajo la norma ISO 50001:2018. |
qespimsi |
Auditor Interno en Sistemas Integrados de Gestión |
Este curso está diseñado para profesionales responsables de la realización de auditorías internas e implementación de Sistemas Integrados de Gestión, normas ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 e ISO 45001:2018. |
qesp9l |
Auditor LÃder Acreditado en Sistemas de Gestión de Calidad ISO 9001:2015 |
Este curso está diseñado para profesionales interesados en convertirse en auditores líderes certificados para realizar auditorias de Sistemas de Gestión de la Calidad (SGC) bajo la norma ISO 9001:2015. |
qesp14l |
Auditor LÃder Acreditado en Sistemas de Gestión Ambiental ISO 14001:2015 |
Este curso está diseñado para profesionales interesados en convertirse en auditores líderes certificados para realizar auditorias de Sistemas de Gestión Ambiental bajo la norma ISO 14001:2015. |
qesp45l |
Auditor LÃder Acreditado en Sistemas de Gestión en Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional ISO 45001:2018 |
Este curso está diseñado para profesionales interesados en convertirse en auditores líderes certificados para realizar auditorias de Sistemas de Gestión en Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional bajo la norma ISO 45001:2018. |
qesp50l |
Auditor LÃder Acreditado en Sistemas de Gestión de EnergÃa ISO 50001:2018 |
Este curso está diseñado para profesionales interesados en convertirse en auditores líderes certificados para realizar auditorias de Sistemas de Gestión de Energía bajo la norma ISO 50001:2018. |
qespimsl |
Auditor LÃder Acreditado en Sistemas Integrados de Gestión |
Este curso está diseñado para profesionales interesados en convertirse en auditores líderes certificados para realizar auditorias de Sistemas Integrados de Gestión bajo las normas ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 e ISO 45001:2018. |
qepor9i |
Curso ISO 9001:2015 - Auditores Internos de Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade |
Este curso é destinado a quem planeja e/ou realiza auditorias internas de Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ) com base na norma ISO 9001:2015. |
qepor14i |
Curso ISO 14001:2015 - Auditores Internos de Sistema de Gestão Ambiental |
This course is designed for professionals involved in quality management, assurance and those seaking to learn more about the ISO 9001:2015 standard. |
qepor45i |
Curso ISO 45001:2018 - Auditores Internos de Sistema de Gestão de Saúde e Segurança Ocupacional |
Este curso é destinado a quem planeja e/ou realiza auditorias internas de Sistemas de Gestão de Saúde e Segurança Ocupacional com base na norma ISO 45001:2018. |
qepor50i |
Curso ISO 50001:2018 - Auditores Internos de Sistema de Gestão de Eficiência Energética |
Este curso é destinado a quem planeja e/ou realiza auditorias internas de Eficiência Energética (EnMS) com base na norma ISO 50001:2018. |
qeporimsi |
Curso de Formação de Auditores Interno em Sistemas de Gestão Integrados |
Este curso fornece treinamento abrangente e práticas de auditoria interna para um Sistema de Gestão Integrado (SGI) com base em padrões ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 e ISO 45001:2018. |
qepor9l |
Curso Acreditado ISO 9001:2015 - Auditores LÃderes de Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade |
Este curso é destinado a quem planeja e/ou realiza auditorias de Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ) com base na norma ISO 9001:2015. |
qepor14l |
Curso Acreditado ISO 14001:2015 - Auditores LÃderes de Sistema de Gestão Ambiental |
Este curso é destinado a quem planeja e/ou realiza auditorias internas de Gestão Ambiental (SGA) com base na norma ISO 14001:2015. |
qepor45l |
Curso Acreditado ISO 45001:2018 - Auditores LÃderes de Sistema de Gestão de Saúde e Segurança Ocupacional |
Este curso é destinado a quem planeja e/ou realiza auditorias de Sistemas de Gestão de Saúde e Segurança Ocupacional (SSO) com base na norma ISO 45001:2018. |
qepor50l |
Curso Acreditado ISO 50001:2018 - Auditores LÃderes de Sistema de Gestão de Eficiência Energética |
Este curso é destinado a quem planeja e/ou realiza auditorias de Sistemas de Gestão de Eficiência Energética (EnMS) com base na norma ISO 50001:2018. |
qeporimsl |
Curso Acreditado Auditores LÃderes de Sistemas de Gestão Integrados |
Este curso é destinado a quem planeja e/ou realiza auditorias de Sistemas de Gestão Integrados (IMS) com base em padrões ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 e ISO 45001:2018. |
qept27 |
Curso de Lead Auditor ISO 27001:2022 - Sistema de Segurança da Informação |
Este curso é destinado a quem planeja e/ou realiza auditorias de Sistemas de Segurança da Informação com base na norma ISO 27001:2022, complementada com os requisitos de auditoria e liderança. |
qe9i |
ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management Internal Auditor Training |
This course is designed for professionals involved in quality management, assurance and those seaking to learn more about the ISO 9001:2015 standard. |
qe9i |
ISO 55001 Asset Management Internal Auditor Training |
This course is designed for professionals involved in quality management, assurance and those seaking to learn more about the ISO 9001:2015 standard. |
qe9i |
ISO 27001 Information Security Management System Internal Auditor Training |
This course is designed for professionals involved in quality management, assurance and those seaking to learn more about the ISO 9001:2015 standard. |
qe14i |
ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Internal Auditor Training |
This course is designed for professionals involved in environmental management, assurance and those seaking to learn more about the ISO 14001:2015 standard. |
qe45i |
ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Internal Auditor Training |
This training is for those occupational health and safety (OH&S) professionals who wish to become auditors for the internationally accepted norms and regulations relating to the ISO 45001 standard. |
910 |
This 2-day course is designed for personnel who seek an efficient way to conduct a thorough investigation of complex incidents to help identify underlying causes and making effective recommendations. This course applies the process outlined in ¹ú²úÂ鶹AV Guidance Notes on the Investigation of Marine Incidents; training satisfies TMSA Element 8 and DPA Element 3. |
911 |
This 3-day course takes our popular Maritime RCA / Incident Investigation course farther. It trains attendees in additional techniques for addressing complex incidents that happen aboard or involve the vessel. |